Thursday, April 30, 2009


Honeymoon pics. I think this link will work but let me know if you can't view the pics... also let me know if you have to get a google account because if so I will switch them to flickr.

I got an email from my blog that said it was lonely. I know, bad blogger. I wish I could say it's because we've been so busy having fun and running around, but the truth is that our schedules have been blessedly boring. We've been settling in and shaking off the residual stress of the wedding and honeymoon.

Adam left for his two month deployment yesterday.

I'm due another thyroid scan in a few weeks.

I'm becoming more grumbly about my job as the weeks wear on. My main complaint is hating being chained to a desk. Being chained to a desk with nothing to do or things that you don't want to do is by far worse.

That's the news! I'll try not to be so scarce!



Lindsey Broere said...

Whew...I missed ya. I thought you'd disappeared forever :-) Glad you didn't.

I hear ya...I could barely make it more than 2 years working behind a desk (and for someone else) before I peaced it.

Glad your back--even if its just temporary

Nick and Megan said...

yay, you're bacccckkkkkk!!!!
