Sunday, October 05, 2008

Last Set of Kansas Pics

I'm at a loss for words lately - the only thing running through my brain is about moving! I guess I could tell you that Adam went back on deployment again yesterday for the next few weeks. Supposedly he is going to fly here on his way back to Hawaii the last week of October to help me move! But we won't know for sure until right before... love that, right?! He's in an undisclosed location, and it's NOT Afghanistan so I'm calling it Turkalurkadurk. Hehe. I actually know where he is this time, though - ha. But I can't say! Maybe when he gets back I will be allowed to tell you. And you'll all be like ooh, weird! Wonder what THAT was like.

I'm selling all my furniture - anyone in the DC area want any of it?!

OK, so these are the last of the pics I have...

You have to click on this first one - it's my favorite. The cross-eyed kitty. I think his name is Richard Parker?? But I'm not sure. He was definitely my favorite cat.

Mary in the garden by the side of the house... Deep midwestern Kansas, a place called GODdard, if you would believe it, and of course these people have some VERY Catholic values. That's how come Adam has like 17 aunts and uncles (NOT including their spouses) and like 80 first cousins. I mentioned to you before that Adam was even in the seminary before, right?! I like to tell people that, I think it's kind of cool. He left that life to find me :)

Here are the kitties - that's the cross-eyed one on the left, then Butterfinger and Snickers.

I have no idea why I am showing you this pic of the vehicles... but look at all those trees! Adam planted those, he likes to remind me over and over again :)

This is the front of the house as you drive up.

And the side of the house... that first pic of the kitty was on the back porch. Which Adam and his brothers built! With their bare hands! He likes to remind me of this too!! :)

1 comment:

Lindsey Broere said...

HA...that cat is adorable...and I don't even like cats!

Such a handy guy you're marrying! You'll be so thankful when you guys actually start living together and all these "house" things need to be done.

Um yeah...I wanna come take pictures of your wedding day...have I told you that yet :-)
