Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The wedding ended up being so much fun, and it was so great to see old friends and all my family.

As for training, I can't believe how great running is going. Although I am somewhat dreading the cold weather coming. I'm really enjoying running outside. Except for the part about being freaked out that I'm going to get assaulted or abducted. I run in the dark in the very early morning when there are few people on the trails, and my co-worker (whose brother is a cop) tells me I'm insane. He says I should carry a knife and mace and a whistle. About a week ago, I was thinking about it as I ran farther from my apartment and got so freaked out I had to turn around early. I've heard of girls getting abducted in Rock Creek Park, but not on the trail where I run. Eek.

Oh, and I finally reached my goal of 50 full push-ups in a row on Sunday!! Now what???!

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