Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eeyore syndrome

I've been feeling pretty depressed this weekend for some reason. It's insane, I know! I just got engaged to my knight in shining armor and I'm about to move to Hawaii! Who could be depressed about that?! Hormones? Just a general sense of being overwhelmed? Slacking on my workouts and nutrition? Probably a combination of all three. Nothing can send me into a tailspin faster than feeling overwhelmed to the point that even going to the grocery store seems like an impossible task.

I took myself out for a run, and I felt pretty good until the end where I lost tree cover and it was hellishly hot and humid. I had to do some walking there and had a terrible side stitch - plus I kept burping up this sausage I ate for breakfast, which was so salty and made me feel so awful afterwards that I chucked the rest of the package in the garbage can. It was an apple-turkey sausage from Whole Foods and the ingredients list looked pretty innocuous but there must have been some MSG or something in there because I still feel like the Sta-Puff marshmallow man even after sweating it out on my run!

Normally getting a run in makes me feel better with the flood of endorphins, but not today. I have to go get some groceries for the week and I just feel a sense of dread or foreboding, like I want to crawl back in bed or eat my weight in chocolate, neither of which is going to help me in the long run! If I did that, tomorrow would be even worse because I'd feel like I gained a million pounds AND I wouldn't have anything to eat in the fridge.... and I'd still have to get up and go to work and sit there at my desk festering all day!!! No, the logic center in my brain is going to win the argument over the pleasure center this time!!

Sigh. Off to the shower and hoping this is something weird and temporary that will be gone tomorrow.....


Lindsey Broere said...

Yuck...I hate those kind of funks...where you just feel sort of "off" all day...maybe you need some V8 :-)

You have to watch this...I watch it everytime I'm in a funk...PRICELESS...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there day! We all get in a rut sometimes. There is NO WAY you'll be in it very long, what with all of your a-changin'!

Sara said...

Lots of life changes bring on stress and weird feelings, BALEE DAT! Hang in there my sweet! And don't you dare drop off the face of the earth and stop posting or anything CRAZY! It's not like you're moving or anything.

Oh. Wait. Damnit.
