Monday, March 01, 2010

Only nine more weeks to go - EEK!

Time seems to be flying by these days. Partly because I'm working a lot right now, I'm sure! In the beginning of this pregnancy, the time was just dragging. It seemed I would never reach the magical 12 week point, then it seemed I would never get to halfway. Now it's going by too fast! I'm feeling more and more pressure to get baby stuff and get it all organized, but I can't do any nesting really until after we move! Three weeks before my due date OH MY LANDS. Please Baby Girl, stay in full term.

My house is dirty and the bathrooms are starting to disgust me, but moving day is on the horizon and I have housecleaning "senioritis"... I need to clean them though because now we have potential renters tromping trough to see the house and I really do want the landpeople to find a renter before we leave.

We bought our carseat so at least there's that. We still have no diapers or onesies, and no nursing paraphenalia, but at least we can bring the baby home from the hospital. Speaking of nursing, I noticed a bit of colostrum in the shower the other day and ... well... it really kind of freaked me out! Dude. I guess I need to get used to stuff coming out of the boobs...

Adam is starting his month on the night shift today. He was still sleeping when I left for work this morning, and he'll be gone by the time I get home. I will see him for about 15 minutes tomorrow on my way out the door. So it goes. The weird part is going to be this weekend when he crawls in bed with me around 6 in the morning and sleeps most of the day while I go about my weekend. It's going to be interesting figuring out the baby routine with this weird schedule... especially if I go back to work full time.

Work. Meh. They gave me a parking pass so I can park near the building instead of having to waddle up the ginormous hill to the parking areas every day. I slipped and nearly fell on my arse about a week ago, so it's high time I started parking in a reasonable spot instead of the in the ridiculous joke of a parking regime they have here. However. That privilige will go away as soon as the baby is born. The idea of lugging a breast pump up and down the hill every day, in addition to my gym bag and lunch... god. It makes me want to sit down and cry.

So I will be going to our birth class alone this evening. We are talking about possible complications in labor and how to deal with them... basically getting educated on knowing when we need interventions and when we can still try to give birth without. Obviously there are some circumstances that would necessitate medical interventions, and it's important to know when to continue to advocate for yourself for the birth you want, and when it's time to fold the cards. Last week we talked about writing a birth plan, and the week before was second stage labor. I'm feeling more confident about the birth as the weeks go by. Now I just need this baby to get into the proper position and we'll be ready to go!


Nina said...

Ah -- I can help with this post at can leave the pump at work. No other place you will really be needing it because when you are home your little Elf will take care of business...

Michelle said...

Hmm... I didn't think of that... but don't I need to sterilize it every night? Need to look into this. At any rate I will still have to lug the milk home. I suppose the volume won't be that large...

I suppose by the 3 month mark I won't be getting engorged at night and possibly wanting/needing to pump, or if she is done after draining just one side and I want to pump the other.

Shantay said...

You are in the home stretch! From the sound of your post you have a ton of things to do before she arrives. Be sure you are getting plenty of rest, though. Thinking of you!
